Know your beef. Know your farmer.
Jon & Vanessa Holt, together with their 4 young children, own & operate Sunset Grazing, a grassfed, grass finished cattle operation spanning over three properties on the Western Downs.
Fourth generation farmers/cattle graziers, they have a long history steeped in producing quality beef. All cattle are raised ethically and naturally without the use of artificial growth hormones and antibiotics. Our 100% grass-fed & finished beef is also gluten free, nitrate free and preservative free.
It is a great privilege for our family
to be able to share our 100% grass-fed
& finished beef, direct to you - the consumer.
Buy direct from our farm - we home deliver!
Buy online and we'll deliver your freshly packed beef to your door. All of our meat is cryovac packed allowing it to be kept fresher for longer, plus it’s more convenient and ready to go straight into your fridge or freezer.
Our Bulk Meat Packs are perfect for those who want to stock up and save while enjoying premium, grass-fed beef year-round. You can buy a whole, half, quarter or eighth beast portion. All bulk purchases require a deposit to secure your beef.
Our Specialty Beef Packs are perfect for those with smaller freezer space, you can enjoy our grass-fed beef without the need for bulk storage. You can choose from a range of 5kg and 10kg beef packs.
We cater for those who have lots of
freezer storage and those who don't.
Shop our beef online:
Grass finishing takes longer, but the beef is worth the wait.
More and more consumers are seeking out our lean, grassfed beef.
Raised exclusively on pasture, our grassfed and grass finished beef is:
✔️ Naturally low in fat
✔️ Naturally low in cholesterol
✔️ Offering a higher level of Omega 3 fatty acids, thought to lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of certain types of cancers.
Grazing as nature intended.
Roaming on pasture and feeding on grass their entire lives, our cattle are raised ethically and naturally. Our holistic, regenerative & natural sequence farming practices enable us to maximise production from the land that we have, while also continually improving soil quality, ensuring that we have quality land for future generations. This holistic approach delivers a better result for the land, the animals, and you - our customers with quality beef.
Our rotational grazing means fresh pasture,
we let the land rest and bounce back.